Monday 7 March 2022

Table of a Thousand Cults

I'm preparing a location for my next foray into actually getting players together. Kogo Hnennis, City of a Thousand Cults, City of a Thousand Rains. It's in a magical disaster zone which has two consequences. Firstly, every house in the city is covered in copper rain-pipes as they strive to collect potable water from the clouds. 

Secondly, the city is home to a thousand different cults. Partly just the temperament of the people, partly because life in Kogo Hnennis *motivates* worship, penance, and beseechment.

So here's a table for a thousand cults.

"Cthulhu Cultists" by Daniel Zrom

It leads to fun names. Here's a couple.

Turning the street, you run into a procession of...

* the Syndicate of the Purging Slaughter

* the Seekers for the Chthonic Swarm

* the Followers of the Blind Judge

* the Association of the Black Blasphemy

* the Temple of the Rotting Star

* the Companions for the Son of Spring

* the Bleached Hunger Mystery

* the Sisterhood of the Silver Birth

* the Mystery of the Lance of the Clouds

* the Order against the Deep Stranger

* the Seekers for the Dwarf and Return

* the Warm Fish Group

* the Covenant for the Sun of Dragons

I can keep making these forever but I'll stop here.

**HOW TO**

Basically, you need a d20, a d6, a d8, and a d10.

The cult name is GROUP + OF THE + X + Y.

For GROUP, roll a d20.

For OF THE, roll a d6. "reverse" here means that instead of the normal word order, the name will be X + Y + GROUP.

For X, roll a d8 + d10. The d8 is the first digit, the d10 the second, with 10 meaning 0. Rolling a 5 and a 5 is 55, rolling a 5 and a 10 is 50. If an X entry is "(of [something])" it comes after Y in the name.

For Y, do the same with the d8 + d10.

Happy culting!

Table of a Thousand Cults

I'm preparing a location for my next foray into actually getting players together. Kogo Hnennis, City of a Thousand Cults, City of a Tho...