Monday 18 February 2019

Name Change

I changed the blog name. It's now Sword of Mass Destruction.

It used to be Pammachon Sword.

The Pammachon Sword is something from Caráxe that blew up the Northern Invader. That land now lies on the bottom of the Searing Deep.

It was a Sword of Mass Destruction.

Well, then just say that, you idiot! At least that's got some punch to it.


  1. Hi! I saw your blog mentioned on and wanted to ask you whether I could add it to one of the blog Planets I run. More info, and links to the three planets (Old School, Indie, and everything else) can be found on this page where I try to explain it all:
    Please let me know if you're OK with this or not.

  2. Hey! Of course you can. Sorry for the late reply, I haven't updated in almost a year, holy hell, but in my defense real life has been incredibly busy.

  3. Excellent! And good luck with real life. It ain't always easy...


Table of a Thousand Cults

I'm preparing a location for my next foray into actually getting players together. Kogo Hnennis, City of a Thousand Cults, City of a Tho...